Thursday, August 18, 2011

Donnie Darko (Derpo)

This movie blows hard. The kid acts like a douche and the movie doesn't really make any sense. A bunch of pretentious asswipes like to talk about how "deep" this movie is and how it has such a "deep" underlying message. The message is, if you think this movie is deep, you're a retard.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Being sick..

I have been sick for the past few days and I can honestly say that this definitely sucks. You can't do shit and no one wants to be around you.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shorthand douchers..

When people type text messages in extreme shorthand. It's really not that much more effort to type out all of a word, plus it doesn't make you look like an ignorant moron. L2spell.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Why in the hell would anyone ever buy one of these? You can buy an iPad for a little bit more and use the Internet and play games and such.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jesus Lewis..

I don't even have a picture for this one. I was coming in here to write a really witty post, and I stubbed my toe hard on my chair. I realized that sucks much more than anything I could have possibly wrote, so here we are.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Leave the kids at home..

So I went to a movie last night (Rise of Planet of the Apes), and had the pleasure of sitting directly in front of a whole entourage of loud little kids. They were just the perfect age too. That age where they have to ask a question about every damn thing that is happening at any time. Luckily there were previews for horror movies, sending them into a screaming frenzy. I was able to understand twice as much about the movie since I not only got to watch what was happening, but also got to hear it explained several times by their parents.

Friday, August 5, 2011

People who use macs..

Title says it all. People who swear by macs are pretty much retarded. When asked why they prefer them, other than they like flushing money down the toilet, they usually respond with, "They're so much better at video and picture editing!" which makes no sense, because I can use the same programs on my pc that a mac can, and more. They cost a shitload of money, I guess because Apple realizes that they can actually get it off these people who don't want to be a part of the system while sipping their coffee at Starbucks.